Gel Matic Jógúrt- og ísvélar
Gelmatic vélanar henta vel fyrir jógúrt og ís, hágæða vélar sem að eru gerðar til að endast. Framleiddar undir ströngu gæðaeftirliti á Ítalíu.
Gelmatic vélar eru sérpantaðar að hverju sinni og er afgreiðslutíminn á þeim breytilegur 4-10 vikur frá staðfestingu á pöntun.
Skoðaðu úrvalið nánar á heimasíðu framleiðanda eða sentu okkur fyrirspurn og við finnum það sem hentar þér:
Gel Matic is constantly intent on improving the quality of its machines. Its development of new components and the inclusion of new materials means it is always adding to its technological know-how and environmental credentials. Certainty for today, and promise for the future. The seemingly simple construction is, in fact, the result of our careful selection of materials, components and processes to ensure excellence. Such excellence is a crucial requirement for machines intended to come into contact with food. At the same time, it is also a guarantee of the highest possible standards of reliability, performance and durability. An understanding of Gel Matic technology, developed over the past 45 years, also explains the trust put in it by its customers and its success on the international market.
All the world appreciates Gel Matic quality. Because it’s tasted it.