Domus Þvottavélar og Þurrkarar

  • Gott úrval af þvottahúsalausnum frá Domus sem að henta öllum stærðum af þvottahúsum.
  • Þvottavélar og þurrkarar í miklu úrvali ásamt aukahlutum, stærðir frá 8 kg. upp í 120 kg.
  • Sérhæfðar lausnir í boði fyrir stórnotendur svo sem umhverfsivænni vatnsnotkun og sótthreinsi búnaður ásamt sérhæfðum aukahlutum.
  • Hafðu samband og fáðu ráðgjöf fyrir þitt þvottahús!


Domus, specialists in industrial laundry At DOMUS we have created a solid, modern firm, where we can guarantee our capacity to provide quality services and products to our customers, and a proven ability to consolidate our business future. As manufacturers, we know how to develop products, specially designed to meet the needs of every type of customer. We offer a wide range of machinery and equipment for industrial laundrettes, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, residential homes and every kind of small laundrette. We are able to offer a complete solution for the washing-drying-ironing-finishing-transport of laundry for all these businesses.

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